Fees 2025
1. Single Voyage Rate Award
2. Demurrage Rate Award
3. Single Voyage Freight & Demurrage Rate Award
4. Time Charter Rate
5. Consecutive voyage rate
6. Rate for each type of movement under a Contract of Affreightment
7. Average Single Voyage Assessment
8. Quarterly or Annual Average Assessment
9. Average Time Charter Assessment
Additional Fees
To be added to the above charges where Awards or Assessments are prepared outside the Panel meeting dates and required urgently as requested.
Single Voyage Rate Premium
Demurrage Rate Premium
Single Voyage and Demurrage Rate Premium
Time Charter Rate Premium
Average Assessment Premium
Average Freight Rate Assessment - AFRA
Monthly AFRA results
Monthly breakdown statement (Note i)
Clean single voyage assessment (Note i)
Monthly Fees
Monthly AFRA results
Monthly results and breakdown statements (Note i)
Clean single voyage assessments (Note i)
Notes on AFRA Fees
i. Monthly breakdown statements and clean single voyage assessments are available only to subscribers to the monthly results.
ii. All subscriptions are payable in advance.
iii. UK subscriptions are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
iv. Annual subscriptions run from January to December but pro rata subscriptions (for a minimum period of three months) are available.
v. No agency discounts.
vi. Past results are available at reduced fees.